An Eye for Life
A retrospective photo exhibition displays some of my favourite images from my 30-year photographic career. The Ipswich and Colchester Museums initiated the Exhibition which runs from July 2024 to April 2025 at the Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich.
The BBC Look East Interview with me about the opening of my Exhibition at Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich. July 2024
Black Suffolk Photographic Project
John Ferguson being interviewed by ITN news Anglia about his exciting forthcoming photographic project entitled 'Black Suffolk' which centres around the Afro- Caribbean community and their journey to the Eastern Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk
Watch my behind the scenes video from my PR & Press Photo Shoot for Ocado
The Launch of Black Britannia Photo Exhibition.
Watch my video taken at the launch of my first Solo portrait exhibition ‘Black Britannia’ which was opened by the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown at London’s City Hall.
Watch the Trailer from my trips to the Southern States of America in search of the Forgotten Cowboys
As a ten-year-old boy playing cowboys with friends at school in England, I was never allowed to be a cowboy; I could only be a Native American Indian. I was told: "Black boys were never cowboys" or "Have you ever seen a black cowboy?" I had to admit that I had never seen a single black cowboy.
The only cowboys we ever saw were your white archetypal squared-jawed, American gunslinging heroes. Think of our screen legends; The Lone Ranger, John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Roy Rogers, Clint Eastwood, right up to The Marlboro Man. The list is endless, but, not one black cowboy amongst them.
Indeed Hollywood played a big part in keeping the cowboy myth alive. In fact where American history and identity has been projected by Hollywood and the mass media, the non-white settlers have largely been left out of the story.
Thirty years later and enjoying watching those same legends with my own children, I have only just learnt the truth; many of the first cowboys were black.
I have now made it my métier to discover these forgotten cowboys. And I have been both surprised and excited to find a thriving African American cowboy community.
Watch my Advertising Video shoot for a luxury Sports Car manufacturer
Suffolk Sportscars