Taking the Leap: Why I’m Launching the PhotoEast Magazine.
john Ferguson john Ferguson

Taking the Leap: Why I’m Launching the PhotoEast Magazine.

I’ve always loved magazines. Not just flipping through them, but truly loving them—the weight of the paper, the smell of fresh print, the way a single cover image can grab you and pull you into a whole new world. Photography magazines, in particular, have been a lifelong obsession.

So, I’ve decided to stop just loving magazines and start making one.

Yes, it’s a massive, nerve-wracking, slightly terrifying leap, but here I am—putting my money where my mouth is and launching PhotoEast.

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Joining the broad of Ipswich Central
john Ferguson john Ferguson

Joining the broad of Ipswich Central

Last week I was thrilled and deeply honoured to have been elected as one of the new board members for Ipswich Central earlier this week. 

This dynamic board, comprised of passionate business professionals, is dedicated to enhancing the town’s overall presence via a number of positive initiatives and advancements, such as amplifying the safety of it’s people, promoting the town events, new ways and concepts to draw in visitors into our town, alongside launching impactful seasonal campaigns that boost local business visibility and revenue. 

Over the years that I’ve lived in Ipswich, I've seen a noticeable shift towards a more forward-thinking and positive outlook for my adopted town. I’ll admit, when I first arrived here with my wife and young family twelve years ago, I felt a certain inertia, a resigned attitude - 'it is what it is’, 'take it or leave it’ perspective.

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John Ferguson’s Suffolk Creatives: A Celebration of Craft and Community
john Ferguson john Ferguson

John Ferguson’s Suffolk Creatives: A Celebration of Craft and Community

Thalia Battersby: Boatbuilder

Take Thalia Battersby, for example. She’s a boatbuilder, working at the Woodbridge Boatyard on the River Deben. Her journey began as a child, inspired by reading Arthur Ransome’s tales of sailing on the River Orwell. Those books ignited a fascination with boats and the craft of building them.

“When I had the chance to work in a boatyard on the Orwell, I leapt at it,” she told me. Over the years, she’s learned everything from navigation to engines and the fine art of restoring boats. Today, she works alongside people who are passionate about preserving traditional craftsmanship. “It’s great to see these skills being passed on,” she said. “I’d love to see more young girls getting involved and adding their own perspectives to the industry.”

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A wonderful, and thought-provoking year for my photography.
john Ferguson john Ferguson

A wonderful, and thought-provoking year for my photography.

This year has been an interesting and thought-provoking one for me professionally—a year of growth, reflection, and continued evolution in my photography practice.

As a creative working in the ever-challenging gig economy, I often find myself navigating the delicate balance between artistic fulfilment and the realities of sustaining a professional practice. It’s no secret that finding the right clients is becoming more complex as the industry shifts and evolves around us.

Here’s a selection of some of my favourite images that I’ve produced over the last 12 months.

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Black History Month: Want to know who the figure was that inspired my career?....
john Ferguson john Ferguson

Black History Month: Want to know who the figure was that inspired my career?....

I then came across another photo of Muhammad Ali. These were gently posed images of Ali standing next to a stairwell at Lord's Cricket Ground in 1966. These images intrigued me and made me want to find out more. I love this series of photographs, so when I discovered that a Black photographer took them, I was overjoyed and definitely needed to know more. This is how I found photographer Gordon Parks.

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The Power of Asking: How I’ve Learned to Seek Help and Unlock My Potential
john Ferguson john Ferguson

The Power of Asking: How I’ve Learned to Seek Help and Unlock My Potential

For the longest time, I, like so many others, struggled with simply asking for help. Whether it was about asking for pay rise, taking a much-needed day off, or even just asking a colleague for a favour, I'd freeze up, overthinking every little detail. Was I afraid of wasting their time, or I just didn’t not want to look like I couldn’t handle things on my own? Maybe it was all these. Either way, it kept me stuck, full of hesitations.

But here’s the thing I’ve finally learned...

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Approaching Strangers for Their Portraits…can you do it?
john Ferguson john Ferguson

Approaching Strangers for Their Portraits…can you do it?

I’ve been asked many times about how I approach strangers to photograph. So many photographers find this extremely difficult, stopping and asking strangers for their pictures. And I can totally understand their fears and hesitation. So it's with this in mind that I’ve put together a one-day workshop which aims to help photographers or anyone with a camera, develop the confidence to approach and produce editorial-style portraits of strangers. So if you're interested, you need to be quick as there are only a few slots left, then check out my website page here if you'd like to know more. https://www.johnfergusonphoto.com/exclusive-masterclass

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An Exclusive Photographic Masterclass with John Ferguson
john Ferguson john Ferguson

An Exclusive Photographic Masterclass with John Ferguson

"Photographing Strangers”

We will venture into the bustling streets, where you'll learn the art of street portraiture and the subtle dance of interaction between photographer and subject. Through hands-on practice and guided instruction, you'll discover how to approach strangers with confidence, establish genuine connections, and capture authentic moments that speak volumes. Read more and book here

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"Breaking Free from Olan Mills: The Art of Modern Portraiture Unveiled! 🌟📸
john Ferguson john Ferguson

"Breaking Free from Olan Mills: The Art of Modern Portraiture Unveiled! 🌟📸

The mention of Olan Mills got me to reflect on the evolution of photography, particularly in the business and commercial realms. In the 70s, studio photography like Olan Mills's was a prevalent style, characterized by formal poses, staged backgrounds, and a certain classic aesthetic. Fast forward to today, and the landscape of photography has undergone a remarkable transformation.

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john Ferguson john Ferguson


Our social media landscape has diversified and expanded to unimaginable expectations, bringing with it both the good & the undesirable side of human nature. The ability to reshape, modify, & inform the way we think & see our lives has moved or altered many of the perspectives we have on life, especially for those over a certain age.

We make first impressions on others within seconds.

Who knows where the internet & Ai and all it's platforms will lead us in the next ten years?

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Street Photography at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
john Ferguson john Ferguson

Street Photography at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

As a professional photographer, it's a great opportunity and environment to stretch my photographic mind and indulge in the art of 'Street Photography' - something I love. But it is a skill I could improve at. It's a discipline that needs practice, diligence and consistency to become even 'slightly good' when producing meaningful or eye-catching images.

And, I have to say, Street Photography is definitely an 'Art'!

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My Day in The Studio Photographing Sinead O’ Connor
john Ferguson john Ferguson

My Day in The Studio Photographing Sinead O’ Connor


Halfway through my photo shoot with the talented Sinead O’Connor in London some years back; “I’m grasping for a fag, have you got any my man”.

I didn’t smoke back then, and a little panicked I asked around the studio, including her PR agent at the time if there were any spare cigs for Sinead.

Luckily my brilliant assistant on the day, Nick, offered to run down, we were in a photo studio near London Bridge, and he bought her a pack of Marlboro Lights.

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Winning Photo entry for John Ferguson
john Ferguson john Ferguson

Winning Photo entry for John Ferguson

I recently wrote a post on Linkedin about positive mindset messages and how important this is for everyone. Well, I was delighted to receive some news that one of my images from a personal project had received a highly commended award at The Photography Foundation Social Documentary Awards

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Staying true to one’s artistic vision
john Ferguson john Ferguson

Staying true to one’s artistic vision

As a visual artist, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and your creative vision, no matter what anyone else says or thinks. This sentiment echoes the words of the late great Peter Lindbergh, a German fashion photographer whose work inspires me to this day.

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My Photo Project Needs You!
john Ferguson john Ferguson

My Photo Project Needs You!


I'm currently working on a new photographic project exploring the lived experiences of individuals who have Insomnia. The work aims to tell people's individual stories, explore the subject's different nature, and pose questions about how the modern world may be contributing to the rise in sleeplessness.

I'm actively looking for new participants to be involved in the photographic and short interview process. So, are you, yourself, experiencing bouts of Insomnia? Do you find the idea of this project of interest, or would you know of others close to you with similar sleepness issues? I would love to hear from you.

Please drop me a line or DM my Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/johnfergusonphotos

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The Mudlarks - How much do you about Mudlarking?
john Ferguson john Ferguson

The Mudlarks - How much do you about Mudlarking?

So what's it all about then? Mudlarking?! This pastime is becoming ever more popular across the globe. "I'm sure the original mudlarks would look with some disbelief and disdain at the throngs of people who head down to the foreshore of the River Thames. Small groups and individuals venturing down into the mud at low tide to wade around in search for lost and discarded objects", says Nicola. 

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My first Pop-Up Portrait Studio in central Ipswich
john Ferguson john Ferguson

My first Pop-Up Portrait Studio in central Ipswich

So what happens when you try to put together a one-day pop-up creative portrait studio in your local high street?

I recently had the good fortune to collaborate with the local Chip Community Hub, a creative enterprise based in Ipswich.

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