My Photo Project Needs You!
I'm currently working on a new photographic project exploring the lived experiences of individuals who have Insomnia. The work aims to tell people's individual stories, explore the subject's different nature, and pose questions about how the modern world may be contributing to the rise in sleeplessness.
Increased workloads and 24-hour access to the internet have created a world that rarely sleeps. The statistics are staggering. One 2011 survey by the Mental Health Foundation found that more than 30% of Britons have Insomnia or another severe sleep problem. You might think that not getting a good night's sleep leaves you a bit grumpy; in reality, the effects can be far more damaging. This new photographic project will explore the experiences and issues of insomnia individuals. The work will tell people's individual stories, explore the different nature of the subject and pose questions about how the modern world may be contributing to the rise in sleeplessness.
Every case of Imsonia is unique to that individual sufferer; the reasons and the issues behind their sleep problems could be perplexing as there are simple. I plan to explore and highlight these personal stories to open up debate and shed light on a subject that millions of people worldwide live with daily.
I'm actively looking for new participants to be involved in the photographic and short interview process. So, are you, yourself, experiencing bouts of Insomnia? Do you find the idea of this project of interest, or would you know of others close to you with similar sleepness issues? I would love to hear from you.
Sophie waiting for the daylight…
Sophie battles with her Insomnia….