People with Odd Jobs… Photo feature Story for the London Metro Newspaper
Editorial Photography
People with Odd Jobs… Photo feature Story
One of the most pleasing aspects of my job sees me meet and photograph hundreds of different and interesting people; from people working in London’s sewage system, to top fashion designers, international sports stars to film and pop stars all over the world. This week I received a call from London’s Metro newspaper to photograph Emma Waddell in Sudbury, Suffolk. Emma used to work as a corporate banker in the city of London for over 30 years. During a break from her job, Emma stumbled across the world of Doll’s House and the intricate art of producing elaborate and detailed miniatures for these grand doll’s houses. So struck with the discipline of producing the figures and design of these amazing houses, that her interest and soon became a hobby, and then became a full-time occupation. Emma is now one of the counties best interior designers for doll’s houses.
Emma Waddell working on a intricate chandelier for her latest designs.
Emma has now immersed herself into the world of Dolls houses and miniatures, and it appears that she’s not alone in her interest. Through her work, she has found a huge following and a diverse range of individuals who have a similar passion for this association, it’s a passion shared by many, of all ages, genders and nationalities, uniting the artistic among us who appreciate the skill in something if it’s made beautifully.
Emma Waddell - Odd-Job Feature-Dolls House
It certainly open my eyes to an unknown world which I found fascinating and captivating . Emma calls it, “pure escapism, she submerges herself into a fantasy miniature world, and freely admits that because of her tendency to be a perfectionist in whatever she devotes her time to, that she’s found the perfect match or niche for herself and skills.
Emma Waddle - Odd-Job Feature- Dolls House maker
Emma has clients along over the country and abroad too, “My clients are never the same. They range from couples doing a joint project, the older lady and older man (who are just as enthusiastic as when they were younger), gay and straight people alike, people with money with exceptional high end taste, people who take loans to pay for them, disabled people who find it to be an accessible hobby (in a world where there aren’t many)”. Emma goes on to say, “I had to build a secret staircase in a female bedroom from a man’s study, so the servants wouldn’t see him sneak in there. Both passageways were hidden in walls and behind bookcases.”
Emma’s house is almost totally taken over with her love for Dolls Houses and her now professional craft, but she would haven’t any other way, its a passion that will live with her for the rest of her life. She tells me “The best bit is definitely when I present the final pieces to their owners and see their happy faces. It’s so rewarding to see the joy they bring, and knowing these creations will be filled with tiny treasures and have a place in the heart of the owner forever”.
To find out more about Emma and doll’s house interior design, click here.